Saturday, July 4, 2015

Privacy & Confidentiality

Once upon a time, you are the sole owner of your privacy before the New Media changed the way we view and share our privacy.  Today in the New Media Age one common objective that everyone has it's to protect their privacy at high costs.  New Media is the helping hand that our world requires to move forward into the future.  But nothing goes without without a side effects, and one of the negatives of New Media is the privacy control.  In the U.S. our identifications are define by three vital information Social Security number, identification number, and credit score.  If our information were to be leaked out in the public and become available to anyone, we could be facing identify theft that will trigger down to more problems later on.

Identity thieve could do many thing with your information such as, create a credit card line, create an account, and create false profile to do illegal things. New Media involve social networks, being an active user on phone, tablet, and online; being active user means you live your live in the virtual world.  To be able to live in the virtual world there are information you have to render at first sign on.  You have to give your email address that may contains your address, phone number, bank accounts, and more.  The new media makes it so easy to virtually store information, share information, upload information, download information across the world.  The easier ways to obtain something or do something doesn't mean it's sufficient and safe.  I believe that everything online starting from legitimate website, hacker, to spammer; everyone is out to get your information.  One wrong click on a webpage could mean you have granted the website access to your home computer, account or for the website to plan an spywares or adwares to your computer.  The irony of price and privacy is three decades ago your privacy is private and priceless but in this day and age privacy is the pricey and no longer private as we think. 

1 comment:

  1. What you say about privacy is totally true. Before you could just lock yourself inside and be totally private and secure in your own house. Now just one single click on a website could expose your entire life to someone who wants to manipulate you. It's a super scary thing to realize. It kind of makes it amazing how all of us can just easily log in to websites and stuff and share our information without a second thought to what that means. Does that mean we don't care, or maybe we're just desensitized?
