Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter & LindedIn

I'm a frequent user of Facebook and now Twitter.  I had Myspace long time ago and just signed up for LinkedIn.

Facebook is not that impressive, I think it is great place to connect with friends and family oversea but it's not informative.  I have been using Facebook for 6 years and the range of activity I do with Facebook is limited to like, share, and comment on someone else posting.  My personal page consists of different features like games, groups, and interests on the left side.  But I barely use those options.  On the right side of the page it has the paid ads from various company.  I would not use Facebook as professional profile for potential job interests.

I created Myspace account when I was in High School and my old impression of it was strictly served as a playground for kids.   Now Myspace has changed a lot since then, it a little confusing to me because of the contents it has on the main page.  I noticed that it has advertisements for the latest music video, wrestling or anything that I might be interested in viewing.  People I might know based on my Facebook's account, or radio station I might be interested in listening to.  I would not use  Myspace as professional profile account for potential job interests.

Twitter is real-time self-expressive platform for a quick comment, discussion, or a topics. Twitter page does not contain paid ads like Facebook.  In my opinion Twitter isn't a professional platform to carry professional profile account.  Everything that has to be stated on Twitter are limited to 160 words per comment. Twitter is good for friends, who is highly active in social networking.

LindedIn is my favorite social networking sites, because it can be served as professional profile platform that allows me to include skill I possess.  The signing up was easy because it taking information straight from my Gmail account, and they suggested the people I might want to add based on pasts email addresses.  Although the site has paid ads on the side of my page, but it is not overwhelming and easy to navigate. I would only use LindedIn as my professional profile for my future job interests.

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