Sunday, June 21, 2015

Social Networking

Social Networking has been the vital part of our lives for past decades and we have evolved along side of today technologies and innovations.  Technologies like cellphone, tablet, Apple watch, laptop and constant Internet access allowed us to keep up with the latest news, updates, or just simply stay in touch loved ones at anytime from anywhere.  Therefore resources are unlimited and just about anyone who has access to technologies has access to the fountain of information.  Every technology that was invented has consumers/user's conveniences in mind. 

Pros "benefits":

1.  Technology integrated into our lives by becoming our companion, tool, navigator, and more.  Now a day, when I want to to fix the sink, a computer, search for someone; I simply Google for an answers.
2.  Companies use technology to reach out to their consumers, response to a questions or feedback, advertise potential sales.  Even to get introduced to potential partnership among other businesses in the same market. 
3.  Small businesses can self-promote themselves on social network like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  An affordable way to reach out to mass audience for a small cost, and received suggestion on target markets.
4. Obtaining a degree online is no longer an impossible thing; at student's convenience and wishes, classes are created and designed to satisfy the need to save time and in-person interaction.
5. Gaming experience has enhanced since the first PC was developed.  Either on a computer, on a tablet, or on a phone gaming has become imperative entertainment to many people.
6. Life has become busier because people work, go to school, or managing family; Technology redefine online romance.  People save time from partner shopping in the bar or speed dating, and allow the computer auto match them base on their profile information. 

Cons "Dark Side":

1.  PRIVACY:  I believe everything has two sides of the stories, solutions and side-effects.  Although, life has become infamously easier with the latest technologies, social networking sites, and constant Internet access from anywhere.  We also have something to loose, our privacy, people can easily trace where we are, what we are doing, who we are talking to, what we read or research, and our decision making patterns.  We are no longer the sole owner of our privacy.  Another example of privacy violation is mentioned in "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private" according to the article, a family photo set to be shared between friends only get taken and share in another twitter, another social networking site. 
 2. IDENTITY:  Our identity like Social Security number, addresses, and online banking are now at risk.  As technologies and social networking improve our lives in the last decades, it could also be damaging us.  Identity theft has increased tremendously, one wrong click of a button, everything we work so hard to protect will be at someone else disposal.
 3. INTEGRITY:  Not everything posted online has been validated, or approved by the Board.  I can blog, create a Wikipedia, or post my experiences on social network sites to share with others but I am not liable for what reader decide to believe.  To be cautious of what you read, see, and exposed to on the Internet or Social Networking sites is vital to how we make our decision.  Another example to this subject would be the article "Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?", biased feedback of small active group of users that could easily misrepresent of the larger group of users. 
4. CYBER BULLY:  In the old day bully ends when a person physically remove themselves from the scenery.  However, cyber bully never ends doesn't matter where you are and who you are.  Many teens committed suicide because of the non-stopped bullying from social networking sites, phone, computer.  This is the dark side of technologies that continued to be a problem today. 

Technology will continue to evolve further into the future.  As long as there is a need for technologies, improvements, freedom to create and express innovations and inventions will satisfy those needs.  The question is no longer if, but when the evolution of advanced technologies take over our lives.  This is just my opinion, but I think it has already started.  Our phone and social network sites are the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we see at night before bed.  We take suggestion from the systems to where we dine, what activities to do based on our search patterns and past decisions.  

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