Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Next New Thing

The next new thing could be instantaneous large file sharing without the software program, without online store drive, and without internet.  If Internet is the biggest key for us to interconnect and share information, then why can't we think of a different type of sharing and interconnection that doesn't rely on internet access.  Today we have access to any wifi ports from just about anywhere in the city, but what about places where signal and physical internet connection is not present like some part of Pennsylvanian, or on the mountain.   Internet connection is still costly and not everyone can afford to have internet access or fast enough internet to conduct file transferring.

Another next new thing could be the advancement in medical field.  For instance, having a robot that would be able to download all the manual of a medical procedures and perform a complicated surgery without supervision of human.  Or medical information that contains the whole course of medical field available for users who are interested in medicines without going through med schools.

P2P Filesharing

Filesharing means the ability to transfer or to transmit files from one computer to another or to many others via private or public network or over internet.  There are variety of files that could be shared, such as, picture file, video file, document file, and audio file. 

P2P filesharing stand for Peer-to-Peer filesharing and most suitable for large filesharing. It requires a software program to be installed in the computer of the user and he/she has to continuous uploading and seeding such as music, movie, image, audio or software files.  Other peers who have the same software program installed in their computers would have the granted access other users files account and they would be able to download available selected files from uploading peers with the requirement of constant internet access.  The more peers uploading and seeding the file, the faster it is for the user to download.  For instance, I have this software program calls Utorrent and its function entail downloading files from this website I use to download movies, music, software and more from other users.  Besides managing my downloads, it also allowed me to give back to my online website community by sharing the files I uploaded or downloaded from other users.  The sharing and exchanging of files are continuous, and spontaneous; peer's computer are required to be on at all time in order to seed the file to other peers. 

Sharing of movies, musics, software program is somewhat illegal and unethical.  Piracy is a ongoing growing concerns among entertainers.  According to the article "Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?" by Eric Pfanner, the American entertainment industry is losing approximately $20 billion a year in sales because the free sharing among users.  I am the beneficiary this P2P, although I understand that is illegal to obtain and share files that you did not pay for, it's so much easier and little to no cost to me.  it is with full understand and respect that the things I obtain for free should not be resale for profit. 

Privacy & Confidentiality

Once upon a time, you are the sole owner of your privacy before the New Media changed the way we view and share our privacy.  Today in the New Media Age one common objective that everyone has it's to protect their privacy at high costs.  New Media is the helping hand that our world requires to move forward into the future.  But nothing goes without without a side effects, and one of the negatives of New Media is the privacy control.  In the U.S. our identifications are define by three vital information Social Security number, identification number, and credit score.  If our information were to be leaked out in the public and become available to anyone, we could be facing identify theft that will trigger down to more problems later on.

Identity thieve could do many thing with your information such as, create a credit card line, create an account, and create false profile to do illegal things. New Media involve social networks, being an active user on phone, tablet, and online; being active user means you live your live in the virtual world.  To be able to live in the virtual world there are information you have to render at first sign on.  You have to give your email address that may contains your address, phone number, bank accounts, and more.  The new media makes it so easy to virtually store information, share information, upload information, download information across the world.  The easier ways to obtain something or do something doesn't mean it's sufficient and safe.  I believe that everything online starting from legitimate website, hacker, to spammer; everyone is out to get your information.  One wrong click on a webpage could mean you have granted the website access to your home computer, account or for the website to plan an spywares or adwares to your computer.  The irony of price and privacy is three decades ago your privacy is private and priceless but in this day and age privacy is the pricey and no longer private as we think. 

Monday, June 29, 2015


The article "1 + 1 + 1 = 1-The new math of mashups", by

The article discuss how creator utilized the digital program to re-create a music mashup consists of selective segments from different songs and edited into a new song.  Another aspect of how new media foster creativity is the ability to obtain just about anything online.  Information is free floating through the world wide web, according to the article some are commercial release and most are leaks.  New Media is imperative in fostering the creativity by changing the way people view, collect and utilize internet sharing, downloading, uploading, editing,  re-creating the master, re-modeling the an idea into virtual reality. New media also changed the way people's perception of technology and how interactive technology involve in our lives.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Virtual World means computer version model of the reality world.  It allows creator to physically visualize what they want to create and minimize the physical modeling costs, and time.  There are different ways virtual world can be used such as, creating virtual working office, virtual online class, virtual game world, virtual dating platform, or virtual reality simulations.  For instance, the article "Avatar II: The Hospital", using simulation to create a crisis and train nurses on mandatory appropriate responses,

1. Reduce costs: there are many costs reality modeling take place.  For instance, traveling cost, arrangement costs, hiring costs, props costs, office costs and etc...
2. Faster coordination:  Getting physical props or real people together is time consuming.  But having a virtual simulation of avatars or of a procedures is faster and more sufficient.
3. Promote privacy: employees or human identity is protected when using avatars as representatives.
4. Enable Creativity: Allow people to create just about anything as they can visualize and put it in motions. 
5. Time Savings: a physical coordination of an event could me time consuming and sometime minimizing time is imperative.

1. Lack of physical interactions: If everything can be done online or through computer, no physical human interaction needed.
2. Requirement to create a virtual world: In order for a virtual world to be created many requirements have to be met like having a computer, internet, web 2.0, broadband, designated programs. 
3. In-Humane: virtual avatar is sufficient to demonstrate a task but lack of human emotions.
4. False Sense of Reality: Virtual world sometime could be a get away for many people when their reality world is a picture of imperfection.  After awhile can someone tell the difference between two worlds and which one he/she preferred to live in. 

Virtual World definitely foster creativity in a positive way.  It allows creator to be creative  without any violations.  Virtual world is a mimic of what reality supposed to be or should be like.  It empower the thinkers with the ability to visualize and capsulize the image into virtual world form like avatar, desired world like chat rooms for avatar to roam.  The future of virtual world would only get more creative and intensify by users and creators.  Virtual world would soon be accepted and adapted by many, the needs for virtual world will increase.  According to the article "Going to the virtual office in Second Life" by Mark Tutton, in an effort to reduce costs and manage budget creating virtual office for employee to sign on to is well needed.

Creativity and New Media

I have download the Second Life Viewer Program that allow me to create avatar based on their selection for free.  It is a virtual world where real people like me meet, interact via chatting, or talking with other people using avatar instead our physical selves.  My account was free, but in order for my avatar to dance, change style of clothing, or look exotics I have to pay $6 a month.  Various destination in this program are like worlds (chat rooms).  The music was awesome, people were dancing and I awkwardly stood in the middle of the floor.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Facebook, Myspace, Twitter & LindedIn

I'm a frequent user of Facebook and now Twitter.  I had Myspace long time ago and just signed up for LinkedIn.

Facebook is not that impressive, I think it is great place to connect with friends and family oversea but it's not informative.  I have been using Facebook for 6 years and the range of activity I do with Facebook is limited to like, share, and comment on someone else posting.  My personal page consists of different features like games, groups, and interests on the left side.  But I barely use those options.  On the right side of the page it has the paid ads from various company.  I would not use Facebook as professional profile for potential job interests.

I created Myspace account when I was in High School and my old impression of it was strictly served as a playground for kids.   Now Myspace has changed a lot since then, it a little confusing to me because of the contents it has on the main page.  I noticed that it has advertisements for the latest music video, wrestling or anything that I might be interested in viewing.  People I might know based on my Facebook's account, or radio station I might be interested in listening to.  I would not use  Myspace as professional profile account for potential job interests.

Twitter is real-time self-expressive platform for a quick comment, discussion, or a topics. Twitter page does not contain paid ads like Facebook.  In my opinion Twitter isn't a professional platform to carry professional profile account.  Everything that has to be stated on Twitter are limited to 160 words per comment. Twitter is good for friends, who is highly active in social networking.

LindedIn is my favorite social networking sites, because it can be served as professional profile platform that allows me to include skill I possess.  The signing up was easy because it taking information straight from my Gmail account, and they suggested the people I might want to add based on pasts email addresses.  Although the site has paid ads on the side of my page, but it is not overwhelming and easy to navigate. I would only use LindedIn as my professional profile for my future job interests.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Social Networking

Social Networking has been the vital part of our lives for past decades and we have evolved along side of today technologies and innovations.  Technologies like cellphone, tablet, Apple watch, laptop and constant Internet access allowed us to keep up with the latest news, updates, or just simply stay in touch loved ones at anytime from anywhere.  Therefore resources are unlimited and just about anyone who has access to technologies has access to the fountain of information.  Every technology that was invented has consumers/user's conveniences in mind. 

Pros "benefits":

1.  Technology integrated into our lives by becoming our companion, tool, navigator, and more.  Now a day, when I want to to fix the sink, a computer, search for someone; I simply Google for an answers.
2.  Companies use technology to reach out to their consumers, response to a questions or feedback, advertise potential sales.  Even to get introduced to potential partnership among other businesses in the same market. 
3.  Small businesses can self-promote themselves on social network like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  An affordable way to reach out to mass audience for a small cost, and received suggestion on target markets.
4. Obtaining a degree online is no longer an impossible thing; at student's convenience and wishes, classes are created and designed to satisfy the need to save time and in-person interaction.
5. Gaming experience has enhanced since the first PC was developed.  Either on a computer, on a tablet, or on a phone gaming has become imperative entertainment to many people.
6. Life has become busier because people work, go to school, or managing family; Technology redefine online romance.  People save time from partner shopping in the bar or speed dating, and allow the computer auto match them base on their profile information. 

Cons "Dark Side":

1.  PRIVACY:  I believe everything has two sides of the stories, solutions and side-effects.  Although, life has become infamously easier with the latest technologies, social networking sites, and constant Internet access from anywhere.  We also have something to loose, our privacy, people can easily trace where we are, what we are doing, who we are talking to, what we read or research, and our decision making patterns.  We are no longer the sole owner of our privacy.  Another example of privacy violation is mentioned in "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private" according to the article, a family photo set to be shared between friends only get taken and share in another twitter, another social networking site. 
 2. IDENTITY:  Our identity like Social Security number, addresses, and online banking are now at risk.  As technologies and social networking improve our lives in the last decades, it could also be damaging us.  Identity theft has increased tremendously, one wrong click of a button, everything we work so hard to protect will be at someone else disposal.
 3. INTEGRITY:  Not everything posted online has been validated, or approved by the Board.  I can blog, create a Wikipedia, or post my experiences on social network sites to share with others but I am not liable for what reader decide to believe.  To be cautious of what you read, see, and exposed to on the Internet or Social Networking sites is vital to how we make our decision.  Another example to this subject would be the article "Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?", biased feedback of small active group of users that could easily misrepresent of the larger group of users. 
4. CYBER BULLY:  In the old day bully ends when a person physically remove themselves from the scenery.  However, cyber bully never ends doesn't matter where you are and who you are.  Many teens committed suicide because of the non-stopped bullying from social networking sites, phone, computer.  This is the dark side of technologies that continued to be a problem today. 

Technology will continue to evolve further into the future.  As long as there is a need for technologies, improvements, freedom to create and express innovations and inventions will satisfy those needs.  The question is no longer if, but when the evolution of advanced technologies take over our lives.  This is just my opinion, but I think it has already started.  Our phone and social network sites are the first thing we see in the morning and the last thing we see at night before bed.  We take suggestion from the systems to where we dine, what activities to do based on our search patterns and past decisions.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Blog Vs. Wiki

Both Blogs and Wikis are well recognized and utilized in today networked world.  A form of communication and collaboration that involved public, or selected group of attendees.  Blog allows blogger to self-promote, discuss, advertise, or give feedback to public.  Wikis on the other hand is a bit more elaborate and strict on who can view or contribute to the contents.  Both Blogger and Wikis provide means to collaborate projects, and communications.  Therefore convergence rates in today networked world have increased exponentially.  Allows everyone, from any walks of life to come together virtually for a common projects, or discussing subjects.  

However there are differences between a blog and wiki.  A Blog is short online Diary reflected on author's experiences and opinions that could be shared with public or selected group of people. It is for the purposes of sharing experiences and receiving feedback without having the original post tampered with.   It consists of variety of texts, pictures and links to the discussing subject.  On the other hand, Wiki is a more text based online space share between invited group of people or students to edit, add, or create new page for specific topics or projects.  Therefore there are more collaborations between Wikis users than Blog users.  However, extreme cautions are required for Wikis due to a fact that any attendees can make an alteration to the original content.  Think of Blog as a single author post and Wikis as a contribution of many authors.  Blogs can be used for collaboration by allowing a group of invitees to post and comment on each other work.

Another way for us to utilize Wiki beside school projects is allowing public viewers to comment on the work just like blog but not altering contents.  Companies like mine should use wiki to promote innovation and collaboration from the employees to create an efficient way to communicate and contributing ideas.

According to The Atlantic article "Why I blog", Blog is made up of web and log. I find it to be well described of what blog is about and why people blog.  It's a log of thoughts, experiences and things to share with readers, and commentators.  On the other hand, we have wikis, which KMWorld labeled as Wikis - Disruptive Innovation,  I do agree with the article that wiki provide the means for out of touched people to connect and work collaborate on a project without the need of physical interactions.

I would personally preferred blogging than wikis just because the authentication of my ideas and experiences posted.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Term Paper -> Impact of New Media on Our lives

 Term Paper- Impact of New Media

Outline of Research:

The Origin:

  1. The Beginning
  2. Major Historical Events/Inventions/ Discoveries
  3. Development of Our World

Areas/Disciplines of Impacted:


  • Business
  1. Communication
  2. Adaptation
  3. Relationship
  4. Marketing
  5. Survival
  • Social Networks
  1. Business Marketing
  2. Self-Advertisement
  3. People Network
  4. Constant Access to people 
  5. Invented Needs for More
  • Affordable & Unlimited Resources of Information
  1. Information research and price comparison 
  2. Unlimited resources of information worldwide
  3. Bargains on product and services

 Effects of New Media:

  1. Evolution
  2. People involvement with New Media today
  3. The Future technologies and our survivals 


  1. Expectation
  2. Involvement 
  3. Smarter Species 
  4. Self-Efficient

Monday, June 8, 2015

Dear New Media,

Do you know how much you changed my life since we first encounter? Just Kidding :)

My name is Ngoc T. Nguyen (or just Maggie), this is my first time blogging about something but it should be fun.  New Media- is new terminology to me but not the system itself.  New Media involves in every aspects of my life, such as, reaching out to family oversea through Facebook, face time chat, Skype or emails, networking, reading, watching anime, or just random researches using Google, or Bing search engines.  I just couldn't imagine myself without these feature, everything I need to know are now at my fingertips.  Although sometime I do question the integrity of the information I'm reading online, I still at the advantage compare to go about it the Old Media way.

In a hypothetically situation, where New Media is not longer available to me. I believe that I need a course on how to do research the Old Media way.